Webex virtual training platform enhancing Inspiro’s remote learning experience

To support and enhance our remote learning experience, Inspiro trainers and apprentices now have access to WebEx’s online virtual training platform. The introduction of this software will build on our already well established remote delivery facilities and further boost our ability to deliver a tailored and engaging learning experience.

WebEx’s technology enables our trainers to deliver impactful online learning that keeps learners engaged during and after sessions. Learners can join virtual classrooms, where our trainers share presentations, stream webinars, file share and encourage participation using tools like whiteboard and chat. Additionally, the software is fully integrated with our Learning Management Systems (LMS), meaning participants can stay within the LMS environment and navigate through resources during screen sharing.

The software encourages collaboration before, during, and after learning sessions with 1:1 and group messaging; facilitating the one-to-one training, support and feedback at the heart of Inspiro’s apprenticeship provision.

Meetings can be recorded and transcribed at the touch of a button, for easy recaps and referencing at a later stage. Moreover, WebEx features full integration with Google or Microsoft calendars; allowing apprentices to integrate their learning schedule into their work or personal email and make sure you’re never double-booked.

We look forward to utilising this new technology to deliver exciting and engaging learning experiences to learners across our provision.

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