Inspiro’s remote learning approach

BAbcock Remote Learning

Building on Inspiro’s reputation for technology and innovation, we pride ourselves on providing a learning experience that meets and exceeds the expectations of customers and apprentices. This learning experience is delivered via our UK wide teams of apprenticeship professionals who consistently provide high quality apprenticeships across a range of sectors, underpinned by a proven and robust national delivery model.

We recognise that these are concerning times and that many apprentices and businesses are worried about the impact that the unprecedented disruption of COVID-19 is causing. Our absolute priority is supporting apprentices, employers, partners and colleagues through the effects of the pandemic.

As such, we have moved to a remote delivery model for apprentices in order to maintain learner engagement and progression. Facilities for remote delivery are already well established across our apprenticeship training provision and our delivery models are flexible in order to make the best use of available technology during this difficult time. We will also continue to work in partnership with employers to develop solutions that will support them through this crisis and beyond, to minimise the impact of the pandemic.

We will utilise our innovative and interactive e-learning systems that provide depth and breadth of curriculum 24/7 and on any device. Our Learning Management Systems (LMS) are central to our apprenticeship delivery model, hosting motivational and engaging learning resources that allow for bite sized learning to meet the needs of every learner. The LMS platforms provides an innovative and tailored approach to e-learning for apprentices working remotely; through modular content and bespoke resources for every apprenticeship.

Taking this into account we want to assure you that the quality of our apprentices learning experience will continue to be first rate.

Keeping learners engaged and on programme

We are aware that most people are being directly or indirectly affected by the pandemic and that this will be having an impact on learners. Keeping learners engaged and focused during these circumstances requires a new and engaging approach, especially for those that are moving to remote learning for the first time. To achieve this, Inspiro trainers are working alongside learners and employers to build a coherent strategy that encourages engagement and ensures learners continue with their progression. Trainers will also ensure the remote learning experience is positive through tailoring sessions to each individual, being clear, creating engaging remote learning materials/sessions, and, of course, continuing to uphold our excellent relationships with apprentices.

We already pride ourselves on offering high levels of pastoral support and will offer reassurance where needed. Inspiro Trainers are approaching remote learning sessions with flexibility and positivity so that they can adjust and adapt quickly to changing apprentice needs. This flexibility will assist in causing as little disruption as possible and support a continuing high-quality experience for all.

At Inspiro our values define who we are, ultimately ensuring Inspiro is ‘Trusted to Deliver’™. Our technology and contingency actions will help to minimise the effects of recent events on apprenticeship progression; ensuring apprentices can continue on their development journey throughout the pandemic.

BAbcock Remote Learning

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